Cicada Wasps – My Favorite Wasp – With Source

The only wasp I like, actually.

Wasps eating apple
Cicada Wasps in an Apple in my Backyard – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin

Reasons to Love the Cicada Wasp

-they are generally not interested in humans. The males are the protectors, more territorial, yet have no stingers to harm you.

-these wasps had no issue with me getting close for some fantastic photographs.

-Cicada wasps are interesting. They kill and use cicadas to feed their larva.

-as in they will fly to a tree with a cicada, kill it and drag it’s body to the nest.

-the Cicada wasp won’t build a nest and swarm you from above protecting it. They nest in the ground.

-they can grow pretty big, up to 2″ long.

-they are easy to identify. Three primary markings in the back, large in size and not hurting anyone.

-again, they have no interest in us. Please do not kill them.

South Dakota Cicada
Cicada (cicada wasp larva host) South Dakota 2019 – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin

More pictures? Sure.

Cicada wasps mating?
Cicada Wasps Doing Whatever in my Garden – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin
Cicada Wasp in South Dakota
See? So pretty, not hurting me so no kill! – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin


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The End

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