Aunt Ruby’s German Green Tomato Guide

Aunt Ruby's German Green Tomato
Tomato – Aunt Ruby’s Green – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin

This tomato is as delicious as it is beautiful. The only difficult thing about the tomato is learning when to pick it. You pick a green tomato by blush and feel. Aunt Ruby’s German Green tomato will have green shoulders fading to a green yellow, with a slight peachy blush on the very bottom. The tomato will have a slight give to pressure when it is ripe. These are nice sized tomatoes, coming in around a pound/.5 kg on average.

The flavor is typical of a large green tomato. Mild, meaty, low acid and slightly sweet. Perfect for the Caprese Salad I often use them for. The plants germinate easily, have average disease resistance and have the average production one would expect from a large heirloom tomato plant.

I am planting other large green tomatoes this year to see if any can stand up to my favorite large green tomato, Aunt Ruby’s German Green. Green Giant and Cherokee Green. Follow along with me via YouTube, Insta or here at as I grow and review all my tomatoes, many varieties are new and rare.


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The End

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