July starts with harvesting the first green beans, eases into a middle of July with the first actual bowl of cherry tomatoes, and ends with a planted fall garden.

July 1st to the 10th HOT and DRY. Temps in 80’s & 90’s
- harvesting eggplant, summer squash, first bush beans, ground cherries, schwartzbeeren and cherry tomatoes
- peak bloom of hollyhock, roses, petunia
- photographing variegated celosia, roses, first dahlia (Gallery Art Deco, a dwarf variety)
- emergence of gall on grape leaves. Cecidomyiid larvae, which lives in the bark. TREAT WITH DORMANT OIL
- the last of the garden center sales. Purchased cheap plants for the vertical garden. Check ACE and Lewis
- wasps arrive, finally
- first blooms on sunflowers
- harvest fruit on peppers that are preventing plant growth
- fertilized everything with Proven Winners for Flowering Plants 24-12-17
- sprayed the brassica, squash, grapes and fruit trees with my mix of Captain Jacks Dead Bug, BT and Neem oil. With a squirt of dish soap
- Bagged the tomatoes low to the ground to keep squirrels away from them
- began the labeling and taste tests of cherry tomatoes
- added compost to squash plants to encourage node rooting
- last of the squash vine borer moth sighted

July 11th to the 20th. Temps in 80’s and 90’s, some rain received, 2.25″ during this timeframe
- first squash vine borer spotted in a vine, small, less than a 1/4″ long
- first Sully project tomato harvested
- eggplant plants potted out front loaded with fruit
- fertilized pots again with the Proven Winner for Flowering Plants
- first bloom of zinnia, peach celosia, yellow lily
- squash patch at peak with beauty
- took advantage of peach and cherry sales, made pie and empanada filling, froze
- herbicide damage emerging on beans and grapes from neighbor
- July 12th windstorm, the sunflower and corn block held
- Minnehaha Garden Tour
- discovery of potato berries on the Yukon Gold plants
- Colorado Potato beetle, second generation in mating period
- first harvest of cabbage, Melrose pepper
- harvested and pulled last of snow peas
- pulled parsnip along S fenceline, and the garden and snap peas
- began harvest of hollyhock seeds and trimming old stalks
- harvested garlic
- first large tomatoes harvested. Bread & Salt and Thorburns Terracotta were first.
- noticed bunnies chewing on cantaloup, bagged them
- Noticed self harvested squash seeds from last year (Delicata and Sweet Dumpling) were a cross

July 21st to the 31st. Temps in 90’s and 100’s, some rain received
- Squash patch begins to yellow
- first near full size squash vine borer discovered
- succession planted summer squash in pots
- pulled schwartzbeeren
- planted true seed delicata and sweet dumpling squash July 21st, emerged July 25th
- peak bloom of stock flowers and snadragons
- suspected spotted tomato spotted wilt virus on SuP9, plant pulled
- Japanese Beetle spotted, only one
- July 22 first bloom of CElisabeth
- Dahlias blooming: Gallery Art Deco, Kasasagi, Cognac, Lake Ontario, Zundert Mystery Fox, CElisabeth, Tyrell, Bell of Barmera and Cafe Au Lait
- Harvested Dj’s cauliflower
- Sully Plum #3 harvested for the first time July 21
- peak harvest of eggplant
- fertilized with Proven Winners for Flowering Plants
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