15G – Future Self Journaling – Wind

Well that was an eventful morning.

It’s windy here on the prairie. The covered wagons, herds of buffalo counting in the thousands and sod houses are long gone, yet the blistering wind and frigid January air remains.

It’s recycling day. Generally, I keep all the recyclable items in a bin in the garage, putting out the bins by the road late the night before. This time, for a reason I can’t remember, I filled the bin as we went through being our typical wasteful selves.

I kept the bin around the corner under an hour or so before pick-up, at which point I brought it around and pinned it next to the heavy garbage bin. So the wind wouldn’t tip it over and deposit a 65 gallon bin full of cans, jugs and bottles all over the yard.

I am back in my bedroom for a bit and I hear what sounds like a Costco coffee can banging down the street.

Yup. It’s 20 below zero and I am chasing all my garbage around my crunchy dead yard.

So I am awake now. And got my workout for the day.

Five Reasons to Make Healthy Choices

  1. Because good numbers on the scale feel so damn good.
  2. Because good BP numbers feel so damn good.
  3. Because smaller clothes that fit better on this body feel so damn good.
  4. Because even crappy chores like chasing garbage are easy when you are healthy.
  5. Because taking a mile plus walk in the cold feels so darn easy.

Other challenges…logging has been hit or miss the past week yet I am fully back on track. Spouse gets his daily bear hugs and cuddle time. Yesterday I started the day with raw cauliflower with ranch dressing and a juicy red pear. Overall, things are looking good!

Grateful for:

-Batch cooking so there is a nice helping of my tikka masala waiting for me in the freezer

-My newer car! So reliable and so pretty.

-Winning a small battle, someone heard the clue phone ringing and yeah, they picked up this time. A positive for all involved.

-standing down right away after the win. The gloating thing is unbecoming. Yeah yeah. Fewer instances happening and the ungracious behavior passing more quickly.

Godspeed Y’all!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights that hindsight provides.

The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.

Example of Future Self Journaling

The End

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