Series – Future Self Journal – 25B – 30 Day Challenge
I greatly enjoy looking at other people’s task list for their own 30 day challenge. I have task A nailed, (online blog/journal), a work in progress with task B (logging).
I greatly enjoy looking at other people’s task list for their own 30 day challenge. I have task A nailed, (online blog/journal), a work in progress with task B (logging).
I log a multitude of variables in an excel spreadsheet. I have also used many of the calorie and exercise apps and websites designed for tracking. My Fitness Pal, Cronometer, Fitday, Lose It, to name more than a few. I am far more successful when I track.
Currently we are almost out of grape jelly. I have some blackberry jelly I am not currently using, as right now I am on a guava jelly kick. So I scooped the purple blackberry jelly into the grape jelly bottle, wiped it down and told the boys I bought new grape jelly.
I listen to the winds making my very warm home creak in protest, the same winds that will keep me up, as I sleep in a very warm comfortable house, surrounded by people I love and who love me back.
Santa is gonna have chit-chat with me about those tootsie rolls. The cookies I made, I gave most away, but the few I reserved for myself? Gone. Five no bake chocolate-oatmeal-peanut butter cookies, down the zero. My World’s Best lemon sugar cookies went from three to zero. My one sparkle cookie? Currently digesting.
I did the work! Had a deep convo with someone very important to me. I have come a long way in the past decade. Holistic therapy works too.
I made holiday cookies every year and share with my sister and give others away. Not sure why I do it as big as I did, as the last thing I need is my favorite cookies. I sent out a feeler to my sister, are we still doing the cookie exchange? Unfortunately kinda the answer …
Read more “Series – Future Self Journal – 19B – Tiny Cookies”
First time I saw one of James Prigioni’s videos, I found James a touch extra. Yet when he or anyone else teaches me something new, and important, I become a fan. I am even a cheerleader for his high energy, and honestly, we fast talkers should support each other.
Grateful for finding a memory of my Grandmother in the art of Adolphe Millot, in a form I can touch and use and chat with every day. What, y’all don’t have conversations with your calendars as you add your world to theirs?
Speaking of food porn….another favorite South Park ep. Granted, while I have never been *that* excited watching Food Network or Top Chef, I find binging on Diners Drive-Ins (DDD) and Dives when I am cutting calories feeds me in some type of way.